Service Line Lead, Ipsos, SA
Samantha started her career in environmental anthropology working for the United Nations environment Programme whilst living in Kenya. Sam’s introduction to strategic market research was with The UCT Unilever Institute of Strategic Marketing where she ran ground breaking research on the Black Middle Class in South Africa; known as Black Diamonds. Research that has been used extensively in marketing and to enhance strategies in different sectors. More recently, Sam was instrumental in launching The African Lions study; a broad strategic study to define and quantify the middle class in Sub Saharan Africa; run in partnership with Ipsos, The Institute and multiple client stakeholders.
Sam leads the Qualitative Team at Ipsos and focusses on supporting a high performance team, building partnerships with clients, whilst delivering real return on investment in project deliverables.
“I love food. Brands like Kauai and Simply Asia are regular favourites. However, as a proud mum, SynerChi Organics comes out tops (full disclosure … it’s my sons’ superfood company). I am very proud of their accomplishments as entrepreneurs and innovators. Plus my health has improved tremendously thanks to their product range!”
Sam is at her happiest when cooking for her family, she adores gin, Seattle Coffee, Kung Fu movies which helps her re-live her youth as a kung fu practitioner) and is attracted to people with opinions; fence sitters are boring!.